
Workforce Development

AQIA plays an important part in developing the workforce across Queensland’s fitness, sport, recreation and racing industries. 

Through our role as Industry Skills Advisor to the QLD Government and our decades of advocacy and engagement work through the sector, we work to provide a united voice for our industry and prepare it for the future.

Industry Skills Advisor

Active Queensland Industry Alliance is the Industry Skills Advisor to the Queensland Government Department of Employment, Small Business and Training for the fitness, sport, recreation and racing industries in Queensland.

Our role as Industry Skills Advisor  includes providing industry intelligence to the Queensland Government that will:

This initiative is proudly funded by the Queensland Government through its Industry Skills Advisory Program 2020- 2023.

How You Can Help

To have your say about the skills and training needs of our great industry, please take the Future Skills and Training Needs Survey.

(Survey currently closed, please sign up to our newsletter below to be alerted when it reopens.)

Advocacy & Engagement

Active Queenslanders Industry Alliance aims to provide a united voice for the collective interests of Queensland’s fitness, sport and active recreation sectors in relation to skills and training issues in relevant policy making processes.

Industry Snapshot

The industry contributes to the State’s social and economic health outcomes in the order of $18 billion per annum, as well as directly and indirectly supporting the employment of 67,000 Queenslanders. The industry is dominated by small to medium enterprises, many of which are not-for-profit. A large volunteer workforce underpins the industry and delivers a major unpaid economic contribution across the sector. Volunteers require both accredited and non-accredited training to sustain the industry.

AQIA help to incorporate physical activity into the daily lives of Queenslanders, contribute to preventative health measures, improve workplace productivity and support local economies.

In close consultation with our industry partners, we prepare and present submissions on behalf of the industry highlighting the direct and indirect economic and social benefits delivered by fitness, sport and active recreation and focus on the skills, training and workforce needs for the industry into the future. 

Active Queenslanders Industry Alliance works closely with various industry stakeholders, including peak bodies, industry associations, state representative bodies, government bodies, sport and recreation clubs and individuals. 

We have identified future key external influences which are expected to impact on the fitness, sport and active recreation sectors which include digital technology, social media, economic stability (links to discretionary income), labour market issues, and the impact of government policies / incentives on participation levels.


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