Industry News

Have you had trouble recruiting and hiring staff?  The following sessions may be able to assist by connecting with employers

The Queensland Government has launched its new website – Q2032 – giving a unique Queensland perspective on the benefits and

UniSC in partnership with the Queensland Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training (DYJESBT) will be delivering a

The AQIA S2WT project has another planned intake of students in the LOGAN and CABOOLTURE areas for 12-13 AUGUST.  REGISTER

As part of its Good people. Good jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032, the Queensland Government will develop a new Queensland

Have your say with the launch of AUSactive’s 5th Health and Fitness Industry Trends survey and have your chance to

Jobs and Skills Australia is seeking feedback from stakeholders to assist with the development of their annual work plan. Your

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We’re excited to share that our partners, CLUBMAP, have their free weekly webinars returning Monday June 19. The webinars provide

Check out the Queensland Government support services for SMALL BUSINESS (all in one convenient list below). Note: small business includes